Areas We Serve
At 3DK9, we specialize in providing top-notch K9 detection services to ensure the safety and security of businesses, events, and facilities across the USA. Our highly trained canine teams are proficient in detecting explosives, weapons, and narcotics, making us a trusted choice for effective threat detection and prevention.
Our Expertise
Explosives DetectionOur K9 units are rigorously trained to detect a wide range of explosives, including conventional and improvised devices. Through a combination of scent detection and specialized training, our dogs can identify explosives in various environments, from industrial facilities to public gatherings, providing critical security measures to mitigate potential threats.
Weapons DetectionWith a keen sense of smell and specialized training, our K9 teams excel in detecting concealed weapons. Our canines are trained to recognize various firearm scents, ensuring thorough and accurate screening at public events, commercial premises, educational institutions, and other locations where safety is paramount.
Narcotics DetectionOur K9 units are proficient in detecting narcotics, including illegal drugs and controlled substances. By utilizing their keen olfactory senses and advanced training, our canines can swiftly identify narcotics in diverse settings, helping law enforcement and security personnel maintain a drug-free environment and combat substance abuse.
Why Choose 3DK9?

- Exceptionally Trained Canine Teams: Our K9 teams undergo rigorous training to meet industry standards and exceed client expectations. We prioritize continuous training to keep them updated with the latest detection techniques and trends.
- Customized Solutions: We understand that each client has unique security needs. Our team works closely with you to develop customized detection plans that align with your specific requirements and locations.
- Proven Track Record: Over the years, we have successfully supported numerous clients in the US with our reliable K9 detection services, contributing to a safer and more secure environment. Our K9s will sniff out what you desire.
- Compliance and Confidentiality: We adhere to all regulatory standards and ensure strict confidentiality in our operations, respecting the sensitive nature of security concerns.
- Responsive Support: Our dedicated team is available 24/7 to address any concerns, provide assistance, and ensure a seamless experience throughout our partnership.
States We Service
We provide K9 services in every US state:
- Alabama
- Alaska
- Arizona
- Arkansas
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Hawaii
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Iowa
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Maryland
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- Missouri
- Montana
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- New Mexico
- New York
- North Carolina
- North Dakota
- Ohio
- Oklahoma
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- South Dakota
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Utah
- Vermont
- Virginia
- Washington
- West Virginia
- Wisconsin
- and Wyoming.
Contact us at 855-561-3647 for pricing in your area!
Cities We Service
We proudly serve the entire USA including every major US city such as New York
- Los Angeles
- Chicago
- Houston
- Phoenix
- Philadelphia
- San Antonio
- San Diego
- Dallas
- Austin
- Jacksonville
- San Jose
- Fort Worth
- Columbus
- Charlotte
- Indianapolis
- San Francisco
- Seattle
- Denver
- Oklahoma City
- Nashville
- El Paso
- Washington
- Las Vegas
- Boston
- Portland
- Louisville
- Memphis
- Detroit
- Baltimore
- Milwaukee
- Albuquerque
- Tucson
- Fresno
- Sacramento
- Mesa
- Kansas City
- Atlanta
- Colorado Springs
- Omaha
- Raleigh
- Virginia Beach
- Long Beach
- Miami
- Oakland
- Minneapolis
- Tulsa
- Bakersfield
- Tampa
- Wichita
- Arlington
- Aurora
- New Orleans
- Cleveland
- Anaheim
- Henderson
- Stockton
- Riverside
- Lexington
- Corpus Christi
- Orlando
- Irvine
- Cincinnati
- Santa Ana
- Newark
- Saint Paul
- Pittsburgh
- Greensboro
- Lincoln
- Durham
- Plano
- Anchorage
- Jersey City
- St. Louis
- Chandler
- North Las Vegas
- Chula Vista
- Buffalo
- Gilbert
- Reno
- Madison
- Fort Wayne
- Toledo
- Lubbock
- St. Petersburg
- Laredo
- Irving
- Chesapeake
- Glendale
- Winston-Salem
- Scottsdale
- Garland
- Boise
- Norfolk
- Port St. Lucie
- Spokane
- Richmond
- Fremont
- Huntsville
- Tacoma
- Baton Rouge
- Santa Clarita
- San Bernardino
- Hialeah
- Frisco
- Modesto
- Cape Coral
- Fontana
- Moreno Valley
- Des Moines
- Rochester
- Fayetteville
- Yonkers
- McKinney
- Worcester
- Salt Lake City
- Little Rock
- Augusta
- Sioux Falls
- Grand Prairie
- Tallahassee
- Amarillo
- Oxnard
- Peoria
- Overland Park
- Montgomery
- Birmingham
- Grand Rapids
- Knoxville
- Vancouver
- Huntington Beach
- Providence
- Brownsville
- Glendale
- Akron
- Tempe
- Newport News
- Chattanooga
- Mobile
- Fort Lauderdale
- Cary
- Shreveport
- Ontario
- Eugene
- Aurora
- Elk Grove
- Salem
- Santa Rosa
- Clarksville
- Rancho Cucamonga
- Oceanside
- Springfield
- Pembroke Pines
- Garden Grove
- Fort Collins
- Lancaster
- Palmdale
- Murfreesboro
- Salinas
- Corona
- Killeen
- Hayward
- Paterson
- Macon
- Lakewood
- Alexandria
- Roseville
- Surprise
- Springfield
- Charleston
- Sunnyvale
- Bellevue
- Hollywood
- Denton
- Escondido
- Joliet
- Naperville
- Bridgeport
- Savannah
- Mesquite
- Pasadena
- Rockford
- Pomona
- Jackson
- Olathe
- Gainesville
- McAllen
- Syracuse
- Waco
- Visalia
- Thornton
- Torrance
- Fullerton
- Columbia
- Lakewood
- New Haven
- Hampton
- Miramar
- Victorville
- Warren
- West Valley City
- Cedar Rapids
- Stamford
- Orange
- Dayton
- Midland
- Kent
- Elizabeth
- Pasadena
- Carrollton
- Coral Springs
- Sterling Heights
- Fargo
- Lewisville
- Meridian
- Norman
- Palm Bay
- Athens
- Columbia
- Abilene
- Pearland
- Santa Clara
- Round Rock
- Topeka
- Allentown
- Clovis
- Simi Valley
- College Station
- Thousand Oaks
- Vallejo
- Concord
- Rochester
- Arvada
- Lafayette
- Independence
- West Palm Beach
- Hartford
- Wilmington
- Lakeland
- Billings
- Ann Arbor
- Fairfield
- Berkeley
- Richardson
- North Charleston
- Cambridge
- Broken Arrow
- Clearwater
- West Jordan
- Evansville
- League City
- Antioch
- Manchester
- High Point
- Waterbury
- Westminster
- Richmond
- Carlsbad
- Las Cruces
- Murrieta
- Lowell
- Provo
- Springfield
- Elgin
- Odessa
- Lansing
- Pompano Beach
- Beaumont
- Temecula
- Gresham
- Allen
- Pueblo
- Everett
- South Fulton
- Peoria
- Nampa
- Tuscaloosa
- Miami Gardens
- Santa Maria
- Downey
- Concord
- Ventura
- Costa Mesa
- Sugar Land
- Menifee
- Tyler
- Sparks
- Greeley
- Rio Rancho
- Sandy Springs
- Dearborn
- Jurupa Valley
- Edison
- Spokane Valley
- Hillsboro
- Davie
- Green Bay
- Centennial
- Buckeye
- Boulder
- Goodyear
- El Monte
- West Covina
- Brockton
- New Braunfels
- El Cajon
- Edinburg
- Renton
- Burbank
- Inglewood
- Rialto
- Lee's Summit
- Bend
- Woodbridge
- South Bend
- Wichita Falls
- St. George
- Fishers
- Carmel
- Vacaville
- Quincy
- Conroe
- Chico
- San Mateo
- Lynn
- Albany
- Hesperia
- New Bedford
- Davenport
- and Daly City.
Contact Us Today
Enhance your security measures and ensure a safer environment with our specialized K9 detection services for explosives, weapons, and narcotics. Contact us at 855-561-3647 to discuss your security needs and explore how we can tailor our services to safeguard your premises effectively.
Trust 3DK9 for unparalleled expertise and reliability in K9 detection services.